Sleets. App

A Native Android App for Reading with In-Depth Interactions (Interlinked Recyclers, Unique Parallaxed Recyclers, Day & Night Modes, Customisable Font Settings)

Check it on Google Play

My role

App Design

Android App Development


Wireframing and Mockups

App Architecture

Notifications & Api

Tools used

Illustrator (UI Design)


Rx Java + Retrofit

Realm DB




Feb 2019

Interactive Explorer

The homepage is designed to be interactive with inter-linked recyclers and pop-in animations. Floating action button's colors are auto-tuned with the respective genre to give an in-depth experience. Basic Architecture setup includes androidx, RxJava+Retrofit+RealmDb, Dagger Injection, Broadcast Receivers for notifications.

Illustrator, Androidx, RxJAVA, Retrofit, Dagger, RealmDb

Reading Experience

Developed a smooth reading experience with custom parallax scrolling of embedded images which are pre-laoded, Progress tracking with a minimal line at top, Day and Night reading modes with customised font selection


Back-end work.

Deployed with NGINX reverse proxy caching and database management with mongodb. REST Api service with Node.js, express, multer-s3 for file uploads and passport.js for authentication Other added features include comment system, fast and responsive search with elastic.js.

Nginx, Node.js, Express, Mongodb, multer-s3 & aws-sdk