Tasteplore App

An Entertainment Explorer featuring a vivid rating style and film recommendations based on your taste.

Check it on Google Play

My role

App Design

Android App Development


Wireframing and Mockups

App Architecture

Recommendations algorithm

REST Api service

Tools used

Illustrator (UI Design)


Rx Java + Retrofit

Realm DB




Aug 2017 to Jan 2018

Immersive Rating experience

A unique movie rating style that is designed to be immersive and suitable to our branding. Introduced the concept of twirling the logo for tasting a film. the experience was designed to be fun and playful. Made with a Custom rendered view and touch listeners.

Illustrator, Androidx, RxJAVA, Retrofit, Dagger, RealmDb

Interactive Explorer

Tasteplore is created with a varied number of recyclers and list view each with its own quirks. The app was designed to be an explorer and the varied styles make it look always fresh Made with recycler views, sticky headers, custom adaptors pagination.

Illustrator, Androidx, RxJAVA, Retrofit, Dagger, RealmDb

Dynamic Color theming

Film details interface is built with dynamic themes based on colors extracted from movie posters. Blending in the perks of code and materiall design concepts with correct contrast values for text visibility, this is one of the best achievements in this app. Made with Pallette Extractor, androidx utils.

Illustrator, Androidx

Back-end work.

Setup on a Ubuntu Droplet (VPS) in Digital Ocean, linked with an Object Storage for static uploads. Node JS + Express + Mongodb served through a NGINX server for reverse proxy caching. New Developments include Server-Side Image Resiging(GraphicsMagick), ElasticSearch DB for best search perfomance (interlinked with mongodb and redis memcache).

Nginx, Node.js, Express, Mongodb, multer-s3 & aws-sdk, ElasticSearch